Web Accessibility Testing Demo for GAAD 2024

About This Site

This website presents a series of pages that demonstrate common issues that can affect the accessibility core concepts explored on the WSU digital accessibility website and how to test for them.

Daniel Rieck (daniel.rieck@wsu.edu), a web coordinator working in the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President, prepared the site and used it as part of a presentation on web accessibility testing for Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 2024. The idea behind the site is to determine if you can spot accessibility issues through manual testing and then explore what is reported by automated issue testing from the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation tool. The organization of the site is inspired by the core concepts check sheet.

Demos of Accessibility Errors with Core Concepts

This demo site contains the following pages that have been built for understanding and testing for types of accessibility issues that affect accessibility core concepts: