PULLMAN, Wash.—Proposals from 13 Washington State University faculty working independently or in groups have been awarded six Smith Teaching and Learning grants for 2023-2024 to address equity gaps in student performance, experiential learning to help meet employment criteria, or eliminate differences in student achievement across multi-section courses. “The proposals we have chosen to support this year are very diverse and will have the potential to impact the education of thousands of WSU students in the future,” said William B. Davis, interim vice provost for academic engagement and student achievement. “We are pleased that many faculty applied for a Smith grant and that proposals had solid and creative ideas to benefit teaching and learning.” Smith awards are funded by the Samuel H. and Patricia W. Smith Teaching and Learning Endowment, established in honor of retired WSU President Sam Smith in 2000. The grants are overseen by Davis.
The Washington State University Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement (DAESA) hosted a spring event where numerous, diverse awards were presented to faculty, staff, and students for their outstanding accomplishments throughout the 2021-22 academic year. “The efforts made by dedicated, engaged team members and individuals impact the student success of every student at our university, and it’s an honor for DAESA to recognize many of those who made exceptional contributions,” said William B. Davis, interim vice provost.
Former student body president and student regent and current Washington educator Jordan Frost received Washington State University’s inaugural First-Generation Alumni Excellence Award, presented by the Office of Academic Engagement (OAE). Frost earned two degrees at WSU—a B.A. in history in 2018, and a Master’s in teaching in 2019. “We envision this award as a way to celebrate exceptional WSU alumni who were first-generation students themselves,” said Ali Bretthauer, director of OAE College Success Programs.
The Washington State University Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement (DAESA) honored outstanding faculty, staff, and students for their contributions throughout academic year 2019-20 to its programs that promote student, teaching, and learning success and excellence university wide.