WSU Smith Teaching and Learning Grant Applications Open Through March 13

Pullman, Wash.—Washington State University Smith Teaching and Learning Grant applications detailing innovative plans to enhance teaching and learning can be submitted through March 13.

Proposals, including a signed endorsement by the applicant’s chair, can be submitted through an online application form. The focus area for 2024-25 grants “is shifting to encompass a broader range of teaching and learning transformations,” according to the request for proposals.

William B. Davis, interim vice provost for academic engagement and student achievement, said that successful proposals must address one or more of the Eight Principles of Effective Teaching, as outlined by the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Texas. These include:

  • Deliberate and intentional planning
  • Construction of knowledge
  • Active engagement in learning
  • Relevance to disciplinary experiences
  • Use of assessment data and feedback
  • Shared responsibility for learning
  • Learning from peers
  • Establish and support a class climate that fosters belonging for all students

Proposals must include information about the proposed project, such as a description, design plan, impact explanation, timetable, sustainability possibilities, budget, and plan to share results.

“The grants were established in 2000 to honor former WSU President Samuel Smith and his wife, Patricia, and dozens of awards have been made over the years that have greatly impacted the education of tens of thousands of students,” said Davis.

Smith grants will be awarded in amounts up to $5,000 and announced in early April. They can be used as summer salary, with benefits paid from them. Smith grant recipients in the past four years are not eligible to receive awards in 2024. Questions can be directed to Karly Gomez, administrative manager, by email or phone at 509-335-3995.

Media contacts:

William B. Davis, WSU Vice Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Achievement,

Karly Gomez, WSU DAESA Administrative Manager,

Read the full article in the WSU Insider.